Understanding the Impact of Wisdom Teeth on Braces and Orthodontic Work

Understanding the Impact of Wisdom Teeth on Braces and Orthodontic Work

Understanding the Impact of Wisdom Teeth on Braces and Orthodontic Work

When it comes to getting braces or undergoing any orthodontic treatment, a lot of us might wonder about the role our wisdom teeth play in the process. Wisdom teeth usually making their appearance between the ages of 15-25 and can stir up quite a bit of confusion and myths regarding their effect on dental alignment.

So, our orthodontic team will clear the confusion up. Wisdom teeth don’t necessarily spell trouble for your orthodontic journey. In fact, our dental professionals often plan treatments with the potential emergence of wisdom teeth in mind, aiming to maintain the integrity of your teeth's alignment without letting wisdom teeth disrupt your treatment.

Do Wisdom Teeth Always Cause Trouble?

No wisdom teeth don’t always cause trouble. Despite their reputation for causing discomfort, wisdom teeth can emerge without causing any significant issues, provided they have enough room to grow in properly and aren’t obstructed. If they come in straight and there’s ample space in your mouth, they’re likely to join your dental lineup without any problems. However, it’s not all smooth sailing for every person. Sometimes, wisdom teeth can grow in sideways or at odd angles, leading to potential crowding, increased risk of infection, and difficulties in keeping them clean. Impacted wisdom teeth, which don’t fully emerge, could lead to cysts or infections in rare cases. These scenarios might necessitate removal, but they’re not directly related to the braces or alignment treatments you might be undergoing.

Starting Orthodontic Treatment: With or Without Wisdom Teeth?

You might wonder if you need to wait for your wisdom teeth to make their debut before starting orthodontic treatment. The answer is no. Orthodontists can kick off treatments even before your wisdom teeth show up, thanks to X-rays that reveal their position and trajectory. This insight allows your dental professional to predict potential issues and tailor your treatment plan accordingly.

The Big Question: To Remove or Not to Remove Wisdom Teeth Before Braces?

Removing wisdom teeth is a common procedure, but it’s not required for everyone to remove them prior to getting braces. If your wisdom teeth are already causing overcrowding or other
problems, your dentist might recommend removal. However, if your wisdom teeth are healthy and not negatively impacting your dental health, you might not need to have them taken out.

After Orthodontic Treatment: Will Wisdom Teeth Mess Up My Alignment?

Many people worry that their newly aligned smile might be ruined by the arrival of wisdom teeth. Fortunately, orthodontists take this into account when planning your treatment. If your wisdom teeth are predicted to emerge without issues, your treatment can be designed to accommodate them. On the other hand, if removal seems like the best route, your orthodontist will guide you through the process, whether it’s a simple extraction or a more complex surgical removal for impacted teeth.

Let Smart Smile Orthodontics in Ballina Help You

Wisdom teeth don’t have to be problems in your orthodontic journey. With proper planning and expert guidance from your orthodontist, you can navigate the world of braces and alignment corrections, regardless of whether your wisdom teeth have come through or not.

The key is personalised treatment planning, taking into account your unique mouth, including the wisdom teeth. So why not contact our friendly team at Smart Smile Orthodontics in Ballina.

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